Park Street Dental Associates | Oral Exams, Digital Impressions and Pediatric Dentistry

Discover the Benefits of Digital Dental Radiography

June 10, 2024

There was a time when dental X-rays required cumbersome film, processing solutions, and darkrooms to produce images. Once developed, these X-ray films were examined on a lightbox for evaluation. Sharing the images with another dentist or specialist meant making physical copies of these films and sending them off.

The Advancement of Digital Radiography

Digital radiography has revolutionized this process, bringing efficiency, convenience, and enhanced diagnostics to the dental office. Say goodbye to waiting for film to develop in a darkroom—digital sensors now capture images of your teeth and jaws instantly.

A New Way to Capture Dental Images

Instead of traditional film, digital radiography uses electronic sensors to transform X-ray energy into detailed digital images. As these sensors are more sensitive to X-rays, they require much less radiation exposure for patients compared to conventional X-ray films.

Better Clarity and Detail with Digital Radiography

Digital sensors also produce high-quality images with superior clarity and detail. This means your dentist can detect potential issues like cavities, fractures, or gum disease more accurately and at an earlier stage, leading to better treatment outcomes.

Streamlining Patient Care

Digital radiography also streamlines the process of providing care. Unlike traditional X-rays, there's no waiting for a patient's X-rays to develop. Advanced software instantly integrates sensor information to create clear digital images that can be evaluated and reviewed immediately.

Easy Storage and Sharing

Digital radiographs are also easy to store, find, and share. Once taken, these images are automatically organized and stored in the patient's file for future reference or sharing with other dental professionals.

Going Green with Digital Radiography

Last but not least, digital radiography is eco-friendly. Unlike traditional X-rays, it avoids the use of individual film packets and harmful chemicals for processing. By eliminating waste from disposing old X-ray films, it's a win-win solution for both your oral health and the environment!

At Park Street Dental Associates, patient safety, comfort, and care are our top priorities. If you have any questions or concerns about digital radiography or any other dental services we provide, don't hesitate to ask our friendly dental team—they're here to help!

About Us

Our goal is to help every patient experience the benefits of good oral health and a beautiful smile. We value the trust you have placed in our office and strive to provide solutions that meet your dental needs and expectations of care.